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Survey your members. Analyze your club’s fundraising. Find new ideas for strengthening your club. Do them all using the Achieving Club Excellence tools.

These tools will help your club create opportunities in fundraising, service and fellowship — based on what your members love most. Interested in using the tools?

Download each tool by clicking on the links below. Have a member lead your club through each of the steps within the tools. Use one or all of them, depending on your club’s needs. In fact, try this method whether you’re planning for an annual club assessment or need ideas for improving one or two aspects of your club experience.

Each tool includes exercises designed to create dialogue, gain perspective and lead you to ask insightful questions that will help your club remain relevant, impactful and strong.

Find the tools you need based on this list of common concerns.



Members of your club seem less engaged.

Member survey
Club vision
Celebrate success

Your club needs new ideas for recognizing individual and club accomplishments.

Your members have ideas, but nothing seems to happen.

Your club wants to become more visible in the community.

Your club’s annual fundraiser is becoming less successful.

Community survey
Evaluate your impact
Develop partnerships

Your club’s signature project is losing member interest.

Member survey
Club vision
Evaluate your impact

Your club has ideas but needs direction or goals.

Community survey
Evaluate your impact
Club excellence plan
Club scorecard

Your club is unsure of its purpose in the community.
Your club is losing members.
Members can’t decide which organizations to support.

You have membership events and guests, but no one is joining.

Your club struggles to find new leaders.
Your club’s projects require more members than you currently have.

Download your copy of the complete toolkit in French or Spanish here:

Alcanzar la Excelencia del Club
Organizar una Visita del Público al Club
Redescubrir la Comunidad
Plan de Excelencia del Club
Desarrollar Alianzas Comunitarias
Cuadro de Indicadores del Club
Analizar el Impacto del Club
Determinar el Propósito
Celebrar el Éxito
Medir la Satisfacción de los Socios

Vers la Réussite du Club
Analyser Votre Impact
Créer L’Objectif
Mesurer la Satisfaction des Membres
Organiser des Portes Ouvertes
Développer des Partenariats
Fiche de Score du Club
Célébrer Vos Réussites
Redécouvrir Votre Collectivité
Planification Pour la Réussite du Club