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Two For Two

For the best Kiwanis club, membership growth is not a one-time campaign or event. It’s a continuous club operation. And every member should play a part. But how do you make it fun — and manageable for the club? Two For Two helps you do both.

Two For Two guide

The Two For Two guide is filled with information and ideas about who to approach for membership, how to approach them, ideas for corporate memberships and ways to idenify prospects.

Click the graphic to download the guide

5 easy steps to begin Two For Two

If the 12-page guide seems overwhelming, begin with this Two For Two in five easy steps resource.

Click the graphic to download the guide.

Value of membership

Learn how to talk with prospecitive members a bout the value of membership in a dues-based organization.

Click the graphic to download the guide.

Making Two For Two fun

Membership recruitment can be fun, and it should be fun. In fact, everything about Kiwanis should be fun, from meeting new member prospects to anticipating and enjoying meetings, service projects and other Kiwanis experiences.

Click the graphic to download the guide.

Make Two For Two work for you

Data from the past year show that clubs using Two For Two added twice as many new members than clubs that added members but did not use Two For Two. Think of how the Two For Two approach could benefit your club’s growth when used consistently over a three-year period. You can customize the Two For Two approach to work for your club.

Click the graphic to download the guide.
