Filip Delanote

Filip Delanote of Koksijde, Belgium, was elected to a one-year term as a trustee of Kiwanis International during the 2024 Kiwanis International Europe Convention in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. Elected to fill the vacancy left by the passing of Vincent Salembier, he is serving for the Europe region of Kiwanis.  

A Kiwanis member since 1992, Delanote has held various leadership positions in the organization. During the 2022-23 Kiwanis year, he was president of the Kiwanis Children’s Fund. He had previously served a three-year term as a Children’s Fund trustee and served as treasurer and president-elect. He has also been a Kiwanis Children’s Fund ambassador and European vice chairman for The Eliminate Project.  

In the Kiwanis International-European Federation (now Kiwanis International Europe), Delanote served as president of Growth Sponsored Nations. He also earned Distinguished status as lieutenant governor and governor of the Belgium-Luxembourg District.  

As a Kiwanis member, Delanote started in the Kiwanis Club of Roeselare Rodenbach and then the Kiwanis Club of Torhout Houtland, where he was not only the president but also secretary for several years and chairman of various club committees.  As a result of his passion for Kiwanis, he became a function-related member of the Kiwanis Clubs of Central London, United Kingdom (acting chairman for the U.K.) and Aunay Vallee d’Odon, France. He is also a charter member of the Kiwanis Club of Jabbeke “de vier winden” in Belgium.  

As a donor to the Children’s Fund, Delanote is a Diamond 12-level George F Hixson Fellow and a Diamond 6-level Walter Zeller Fellow. He is also a life member, a recipient of the Centennial Award, a recipient of the Kiwanis International Distinguished Service award for financial viability and a member of the Founders Circle.   

Retired since 2021, Delanote has a master’s degree in the science of rehabilitation and physiotherapy.  He and his wife, Ann, have five children and 13 grandchildren.