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- Maura Magni 2024-25
Maura Magni
Maura Magni of Brebbia, Italy, was elected to a three-year term as a trustee of Kiwanis International during the 2024 Kiwanis International Europe Convention in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. She serves as a trustee for the Europe region of Kiwanis.
A Kiwanis member since 2009, Magni has served the Kiwanis Club of Varese, Italy, as president three times, earning distinguished president honors in 2017-18. She has served as the club’s secretary as well. She served as lieutenant governor in 2015-2016, district trainer in 2016-2017 and district membership and growth coordinator in 2023-24. Magni is also a member of the Kiwanis Club of Likasi and the Kiwanis EClub Italia dei Mille.
She served the Italy-San Marino District as governor for two terms and earned distinguished status both times.
As a donor to the Kiwanis Children’s Fund, Magni is a George F. Hixson Fellow and a Dr. Wil Blechman Fellow. She also served on Kiwanis International’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee for two years.
Magni is founder and senior partner at BMV Law Tax Finance. She has extensive experience in family law and juvenile law and has always worked to achieve goals consistent with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. She has also a significant experience working with public administrations, and she is particularly interested in ESG issues and the goals under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Magni enjoys reading, traveling and photography.