Kids need Kiwanis
Who we are
Kids need adults who care. That’s why people join Kiwanis clubs. They’re local groups of like-minded volunteers who make a difference. Friends. Neighbors. Anyone who loves serving together to change children’s lives. In fact, Kiwanians are part of a global network of clubs and members who partner with each other and with organizations whose missions align with ours. All around the world — and in communities like yours — Kiwanis International is serving the kids who need us most.

The number of Kiwanis family members around the world
Service hours performed by the Kiwanis family each year
The average number of kids each Kiwanian reaches
Dollars (US) granted by the Kiwanis Children's Fund in 2023
A warm Kiwanis welcome
Kiwanians in Canada help refugees from Ukraine thrive in their new country.
3 ways to refresh your signature project
If your club’s service showcase is losing members’ interest, try these three ACE tools.
Kids get gifts in wake of disaster
A Florida, U.S., Kiwanis club’s annual holiday program was more urgent than ever in 2024.