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Policy requirements for California volunteers
California law Assembly Bill 506 requires all employees, registered adult volunteers and regular volunteers (age 18 or older) who have more than 16 hours a month (or 32 hours per year) of contact with a youth to complete a Live Scan background check (the digital version of inked fingerprinting) and youth protection training.
Background checks previously conducted by Kiwanis International through Safe Hiring Solutions no longer comply with the new mandates of AB 506. This means that all staff and volunteers will have to complete the new Live Scan background check process. If you receive an email to renew a background check through Safe Hiring solutions, you should discard the email and not use the link in it.
Go to applicantservices.com/kiwanis to initiate your Live Scan background check.
Unless you are a nonmember, you will need your Kiwanis membership ID (to obtain your ID, log in to kiwanis.org/login and you will see your ID number on your profile page). If you are a nonmember, you are still required to complete the process, but you may proceed without the membership ID.
The cost for the background check is US$50, which covers the Live Scan and FBI background check.
Access step-by-step instructions.
AB 506 is a California law that requires all employees, registered adult volunteers and regular volunteers (age 18 or older) who have more than 16 hours a month (or 32 hours per year) of contact with a youth to complete a Live Scan background check (the digital version of inked fingerprinting) and youth protection training. You will need a valid government-issued ID such as a driver’s license, state/government ID card or passport to complete the background check.
Background checks previously conducted by Kiwanis International through Safe Hiring Solutions do not comply with the new mandates of AB 506. This means that all staff and volunteers will have to complete the new Live Scan background check process.
Who is required to obtain a background check?
All employees and regular volunteers are required to undergo a background check.
Who is considered a regular volunteer?
Any individual 18 years of age or older who volunteers their time and has direct contact with, or supervision of, minors for more than 16 hours per month or 32 hours per year. This would include district administrators, advisors and chaperones.
What forms do I need to submit for a background check?
You will not need any paper forms if you are registering online.
You will provide your personal information and Kiwanis membership ID and choose your Kiwanis club from a drop-down list. Additional instructions are provided online for nonmembers.
What is a Background Check Consent Form?
After completing the background check and fingerprinting process, the results will be sent to the Custodian of Records (“COR”) at Kiwanis International. The COR is the only individual authorized to receive your results and will review and assess them to determine if you are able to serve as a regular volunteer. Any individual with access to your background check information will maintain the confidentiality of that information as required by law.
Where can I get fingerprinted?
Fingerprinting must be performed by the locations presented when you create the background check transaction online at applicantservices.com/kiwanis.
How much does the Live Scan background check cost?
Everyone must pay US$50, which includes fingerprinting, FBI background check and processing fee.
How does the Live Scan process work?
To begin the transaction, please navigate to applicantservices.com/kiwanis. Fill out the online section of the transaction, ensuring that your personal information matches the details on your government-issued identification precisely. Subsequently, attend your scheduled fingerprinting appointment at the selected service center.
For Technical Support Contact: support@biometrics4all.com or call (714) 568-9888 Option 2
During the appointment, the Live Scan operator will verify your identity and electronically capture your fingerprints. Captured data will be promptly transmitted to the California Department of Justice for processing. Once the transaction is successfully submitted, you will receive an email notification.
Following submission, the Kiwanis administrator will have access to your criminal history and will proceed with the adjudication process.
What else should I know to be successful in the process?
Ensure that you have the payment ID and/or QR code readily available. The ID/QR code can be found inside a confirmation email you will receive (having it on your mobile phone is acceptable).
Additionally, remember to bring an unexpired state- or federally-issued identification. The following are considered valid identifications:
OPTION 1: Acceptable primary ID (bring one)
- California driver’s license.
- Department of Motor Vehicles identification card.
- Out-of-state official driver’s license.
OPTION 2: Acceptable secondary ID PLUS two supplemental documents
Secondary ID (bring one of the following)
- State government-issued certificate of birth.
- U.S. active duty/retiree/reservist military identification card (000 10-2).
- U.S. passport.
- Federal government Personal Identity Verification card (PIV).
- Department of Defense Common Access card.
- U.S. Tribal or Bureau of Indian Affairs identification card.
- Social Security card.
- Court order for name change/gender change/adoption/divorce.
- Marriage certificate (government-issued certificate).
- U.S. government-issued Consular Report of Birth Abroad.
- Foreign passport with appropriate immigration document(s).
- Certificate of Citizenship (N560).
- Certificate of Naturalization (N550).
- INS I-551 Resident Alien Card issued since 1997.
- INS 1-688 Temporary Resident identification card.
- INS I-688B, I-766 Employment Authorization card.
PLUS two supplemental documents (bring two of the following):
- Utility bill (with matching address).
- Jurisdictional voter registration card.
- Vehicle registration card/title.
- Paycheck stub with name/address.
- Spouse/parent affidavit.
- Canceled check or bank statement.
- Mortgage documents.
If you need to reschedule your appointment:
- Go back to www.ApplicantServices.com/Kiwanis.
- Click on Transaction History.
- Use your email to access the page (just like how you created the transaction).
- Click on your transaction (if you don’t see it, change the date range).
- Scroll down to the section that says, “Available Options for.”
- Click on the “Resubmit” link to initiate the resubmission process.
- Select a new appointment date/time with the same Live Scan location (automatically prompted).
- Bring the QR Code and Payment ID.
- Go to the appointment to be re-fingerprinted.
How long does it take to receive the results?
If there are no fingerprints on record matching yours, the search is generally completed within 48 to 72 hours. If there is a match, the associated records of arrest and prosecution must be reviewed by a technician and can take much longer to complete. Your results will be indicated in the Kiwanis Reporting application under your profile and in the Member Management page of your club’s Secretary Dashboard with a completion date for the California background check.
Where will the background check results be sent?
Results will be made available to the Custodian of Records (“COR”) at Kiwanis International. The COR is the only individual authorized to view your results and will review and assess them to determine if you are able to serve as a Regular Volunteer. Any individual with access to your background check information will maintain the confidentiality of that information as required by law. As part of our continuing obligation to youth protection safety, the COR at Kiwanis International will receive continuing notifications of any subsequent arrests and/or convictions. Any subsequent arrest and/or conviction may result in removal from your position.
In the event your background check results in a rejection, you will be notified via email by a Kiwanis International staff member.
Can I appeal the results of my background check?
You may challenge the accuracy or completeness of your FBI criminal history record. You will be afforded a reasonable amount of time to do so (or decline to do so) before being denied a benefit based on any information contained in your criminal history record. Further guidance can be found at https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/background-checks. The procedures for obtaining a change, correction or update of a criminal history record can be found at Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 16.34. To obtain your criminal history from the FBI, you may use this URL: https://applicantservices.com/FBI-Channeler/Departmental-Order-556-73
Additional questions?
If you have any additional questions about compliance with AB 506, please contact backgroundchecks@kiwanis.org
Fingerprint results are not transferrable. Applicants must complete the background check for each organization as they are the only organization that can receive any subsequent arrest info on applicants.