If you have so much to share about Kiwanis that it’s hard to give it shape, emphasize these points.

By Tony Knoderer

For all the great things you can share about Kiwanis, it’s never a bad idea to have a quick list of overarching reasons for joining. Consider stressing the personal benefits we share with new members when they receive their welcome message from Kiwanis International:  

  • Meaningful impact. Kiwanis empowers you to make a tangible difference in your community.  
  • Personal growth. Kiwanis offers a place to enhance your skills and self-confidence — with opportunities for leadership development, public speaking and project management.  
  • Investment in the future. As part of an organization that improves the health and well-being of children and their communities, you help create global citizens who are better equipped for success. 
  • Global network. The Kiwanis family connects you with like-minded individuals worldwide, fostering friendships, collaborations and cross-cultural experiences. 
  • Lasting friendships. Lifelong friendships often blossom through shared service. Kiwanis clubs offer a sense of belonging and camaraderie. 

Don’t forget to send people to kiwanis.org for information about the organization — who we are, what we do and more.