These ACE resources provide answers for Kiwanis clubs that are losing people.
By Tony Knoderer
Clubs lose members. It’s a fact of life. People move away or their jobs become more demanding — or other circumstances arise that don’t necessarily signal a lack of interest. But when a Kiwanis club is losing more members than it’s gaining, the reasons are usually larger than these individual causes.
The good news: Kiwanis International offers resources that can help reverse membership losses. In fact, three of our Achieving Club Excellence (ACE) tools are designed for your club to build a culture that keeps members engaged:
- Member survey. What makes the club experience valuable for members? With this tool, specific questions and activities can help your club find the answers — and provide the kind of experience that inspires people to stay.
- Club vision. What does your club do, and why does it exist? This tool helps your club create a vision that guides its leaders and inspires its members. And that helps make everyone more enthusiastic about persuading other people to join.
- Club excellence plan. In addition to vision, your club needs shorter-term goals and milestones that help members see the progress they’re making. This tool helps create them, along with a plan to reach them.
Don’t forget: All these resources can be found on the ACE tools webpage, which includes other common concerns clubs face — and pairs them with the tools that help address those issues.