Kiwanis clubs are finding members through our membership program. Here’s a quick way to get your club started.
By Tony Knoderer
Have you and your fellow club members heard of Two For Two but don’t know how to begin? Try these five steps:
- Decide to increase your club’s impact. It starts with commitment. After all, membership growth is not a one-time campaign or event. It’s a continuous club operation. Inspire your club to make that commitment — to help more kids in the community.
- Download the Two For Two guide. The guide is filled with pages of information and ideas: who to approach, how to approach them, ways to identify prospects and more. Cards help you follow through on contacts — and they also offer prospect suggestions. Use the guide’s back cover to track your club’s progress.
- Spend a club meeting working the plan. Identify two club members to reach out to two prospects for each of the next several months. Members who work in pairs can support each other and reach more people more rapidly. Refer to the Two For Two guide for help identifying people and personalities your club may be missing.
- Reach out. When recruiting, make an appointment to talk to potential members — rather than “cold calling” or simply showing up at their location. Ask for a date and time.
- Meet with a prospect. While discussing what Kiwanis is about, focus on impact. Potential members need to know what you do, how you do it, why the community needs them and where they can immediately fit. Then invite them to join your club! And remember the key message: Kiwanis is a global organization of members, clubs and partners who are dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.
Learn more about Two For Two and find helpful materials — including the program guide — at