Getting new members and visitors is great, but here are some tips for keeping them interested and active.
By Tony Knoderer
Every person’s time is valuable, and each one has choices on where to spend it. That’s why you need to make sure your Kiwanis club is one of the most dynamic options in your community. For your club to grow, members and visitors must find the Kiwanis experience enjoyable, meaningful and memorable. Remember these simple tips:
- Keep meetings moving. Welcome new members and visitors, quickly summarize the meeting’s focus and then move into what everyone has in common: the desire to help kids in your community.
- Don’t bore ’em with business. If prospects and new members sit through budget reports, committee updates and the like, they might not come back. Make time for these parts of the meeting — but keep it tight. Don’t lose sight of why people come in the first place.
- Include everyone. Encourage member input and interaction. And make sure people have opportunities to meet and mingle. Conversation and contribution are key to maintaining members’ interest.
- Combine service with socializing. Set aside some meetings for fun activities where old and new members — and member prospects — can enjoy one another’s company.
There’s no greater sense of belonging than the fellowship of people who serve kids together. Club meetings should make it feel that way. Attend to the matters that keep the club functioning — but don’t forget the big picture. Make the joy you feel in the service you do part of your club’s culture!
Get more details and ideas for making meetings meaningful here.