If your club’s annual event or activity is growing stale, these ACE tools can help.

By Tony Knoderer

Service is the heart of every successful Kiwanis club. But service projects cost money. That’s what makes fundraising a key activity for Kiwanis clubs. For many clubs, an annual fundraiser supports members’ service — and attracts the kind of attention that makes the Kiwanis name recognizable throughout the community.  

But even a time-tested fundraiser can get stale. Kiwanis International can help keep things fresh. If your club is having the fundraiser discussion — or needs to have it — make sure club leaders know about these Achieving Club Excellence (ACE) tools: 

  • Community survey. Maybe you need to begin with a big question: What interests the community? This step-by-step tool helps gather the information and data you’ll need to get back in touch with people’s concerns and preferences.  
  • Evaluate your impact. This tool helps you get an objective view of your club’s current activities to determine the best ways to use your resources. 
  • Develop partnerships. Collaboration is a cornerstone of service and fundraising. With this tool, you have a guide to identifying the organizations, businesses and individuals in the community who can help you mitigate the costs — and increase the success—of your fundraiser.  

All these resources can be found on the ACE tools webpage, which includes other common concerns clubs face — and pairs them with the tools that help club leaders address them.