If your club members seem less engaged lately, these three resources can help rebuild enthusiasm. 

By Tony Knoderer

Dwindling enthusiasm: It’s a problem that can strike even the most successful Kiwanis club. Sometimes it’s a natural result of habit or routine — the same meetings, the same projects, the same old routine. Sometimes it’s a more serious matter. 

Whatever the reason, Kiwanis International has the tools to help your club address it. In fact, a few of our Achieving Club Excellence (ACE) tools are designed to help your club’s leaders understand what members want and where they want the club to go: 

  • Member survey. The first step toward ensuring a positive club experience, this survey helps gather information that can improve the club experience for current members — and even make it more appealing for people you’re recruiting. You’ll also find a guide for survey options, results evaluations and potential solutions. 
  • Club vision. Here’s where you define what your club does and why it exists — and then create a clear vision that guides club leaders and members. The tool’s guide also provides instructions for conducting a group exercise, so everyone has a voice in the vision-making process. 
  • Celebrate success. Don’t forget the fun — or the importance — of feeling valued. People stay involved when their efforts are recognized. And club service stays special when success is celebrated. Use this tool to determine how you celebrate, who and what you recognize, and which questions your club should ask itself.

All these resources can be found on the ACE tools webpage, which includes other common concerns clubs face — and pairs them with the tools that help club leaders address them.